July 27, 2024


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Let The Olympic Games Begin!

Let The Olympic Games Begin!

Its a extremely special timeits instance for the Summer Olympics! This year the Olympic Games leave be held in Beijing, China from Aug 8th to Aug 24th 2008.The remarkably peak athletes from around the world will.

Let The Olympic Games Begin!

Let The Olympic Games Begin!

Its a remarkably special timeits occasion for the Summer Olympics! This year the Olympic Games leave be held in Beijing, China from Aug 8th to Aug 24th 2008.

The very peak athletes from around the universe entrust meet to compete for gold, silver, and bronze medals in a comprehensive variety of sports ranging from passageway and province to gymnastics to swimming and diving. The Olympics are also circumstance for connections from many different cultures and backgrounds to make friends and learn acceptance. Bring the Olympics into your home by planning some Olympicactivities and crafts to torch your young to be active and experience the Olympic spirit

The Olympic Flag

Explain to your young that the Olympic Flag is a remarkably special flag. It has five interlocking colored rings on a white background The rings represent the five major land areas, or continents, of the totality Show offspring these anchor areas on a map or system Explain that the rings are interlocked to demonstrate friendship among the different nations Then, hold your kid stain or color interlocking rings on a sheet of white printing paper to resemble the Olympic Flag Attach to a drinking pasturage for the handle.

The Olympic Torch

During hole ceremonies of the Olympics, a specially chosen companion lights the Olympic cauldron to striking the authenticated beginning of the games The fire is kept burning during the finished twist of the games Have your infant make his/her obtain Olympic kindle and agreement the games begin! To make a unworldly torch, retain your child tarpaulin the frontage of a paper lurch with aluminum foil. Then, own him/her glue red, yellow, and orange tissue paper inside the paper waver Let your run around the cauldron pretending to decorate the big ignite with his/her torch)

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Olympic Mascots

The Olympic Games Mascot for 2008 is the Fuwa. The Fuwa consist of five doll-like creations named Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini Each of the Fuwa represents a different animal (fish, gigantic panda, fire, Tibetan antelope, and swallow) and Chinese facet of rationale (water, metal, fire, wood, and earth), and each has as its primary color one of the colors of the five Olympic Rings (red, blue, green, yellow, and black). Encourage your child to effect a mascot alike to the Fuwa that represents your city or state Visit our site for unshackle Olympic coloring pages for each mascot

Olympic Medals

Create some feasible to make medals for your progeny Draw a circumgyration on a piece of cardboard and retain children color it with yellow crayons. Spread a rangy layer of mixture over painted circles and while gum is passive wet, lightly disseminate on twinkle Shake off excess glint and let dry To add the smooch ribbon, groove a coil of ribbon approximately 32 inches

Olympic Sports Day

For the hole celebration, gambit some marching air and retain heirs materialize a torch-bearer with their keep world of flags to charge your games

Water Sports

Have your young gambol over a sprinkler, move bedew balloons from one attire creel to another, toss soak balloons or resealable plastic baggies filled with moisten from one bucket to another,, and fling sponges from a bucket filled with, soak trying to hit a target

Gymnastics Event

Put on air and diffuse out a big sheet to use as a gymnastic floor. Let young make their posses gymnastic floor exercise Let issue frolic with crepe paper streamers to harmonization or hop in and out of hula hoops

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At the hindmost of the happening make a podium out of cardboard boxes, etc. and hand out the medals to all participants of the Olympic Games

Olympian Snacks

The Olympics is a multicultural eventa full occasion to introduce foods from additional countries to your child, such as tortillas, pizza, egg rolls, pita bread and hummus, etc
